My English experience in Australia



The time files. I stay five months more in Australia.

Almost you need to speak English in your conversation.

Today I share my learning English experience with you. Perhaps you will not afraid of English.

I have 6 ways to improve my English. Which are 6 ways?


澳洲打工度假 - 自學英文6大方法1. Watch a movie or TV (with subtitles)

- Choose your favorite movies or English news, like Movies Animation or CNN for me, they can improve your listen skill.

澳洲打工度假 - 自學英文6大方法2. Read a book, newspaper or read on line

- expand your vocabulary, help with grammar, tenses, etc.

Sometimes, I will go bookstore and choose I want to read books. Then read it.

Or I bought books about the TOEIC test, and practice it.

Like Australia, it has free newspaper every day.

澳洲打工度假 - 自學英文6大方法3. Read children’s Poems

- Children’s poems is funny and easy to read. Then it can improve your pronunciation, rhythm, etc.

澳洲打工度假 - 自學英文6大方法4. Write

- I keep a diary every day. When I want to express my life or something, I will write it in my diary. Diary can help you expand words more.

澳洲打工度假 - 自學英文6大方法5. Talk with someone

- Although videos are great, but they don’t talk back with you. So you can try to speak English with your friends.

澳洲打工度假 - 自學英文6大方法6. Go out / Travel

- Since it is Working Holiday, you must to go out and walk around.

Then you will meet somebody, and you can try to listen to their dialogue.

Like travel information station, it’s great to practice English place for me, because you have few travel questions want to know. So you need to enquire them.

Finally, I working holiday by myself. When I met some problems, I only solved the problem by myself.

So don’t be shy and worry about the wrong grammar or something.

Just do and speak it. You will get a different life in Australia.



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